Secure aggregation of high-dimensional vectors is a fundamental primitive in federated statistics and learning. A two-server system such as PRIO allows for scalable aggregation of secret-shared vectors. Adversarial clients might try to manipulate the aggregate, so it is important to ensure that each (secret-shared) contribution is well-formed. In this work, we focus on the important and well-studied goal of ensuring that each contribution vector has bounded Euclidean norm. Existing protocols for ensuring bounded-norm contributions either incur a large communication overhead, or only allow for approximate verification of the norm bound. We propose Private Inexpensive Norm Enforcement (PINE): a new protocol that allows exact norm verification with little communication overhead. For high-dimensional vectors, our approach has...
IntroductionWe are entering in a new era where artificial intelligence is our creative writing partner, not our replacement. The Yatter AI can be thought of as your personal genie for your storytelling needs!Need ideas? You will get inspired by Yatter’s story prompts and twists that will inspire your imagination. Stuck on a scene? It analyzes your writing, suggesting improvements and alternative paths. Worried about typos or clunky sentences? Yatter polishes your prose, making it shine.You can craft stories faster, explore new angles with confidence, and refine every word with a magical toolbox. It’s not about letting AI write your story for you – it’s about unlocking your potential and making storytelling more exciting. Become a...